Drama Workshops
£120 per class + travel
Our aim is to respond to the requirements of the changing curriculum by providing in role drama workshops on any book, theme or historical period of your choice, at no extra cost.
Click here to send us your requests for bespoke drama workshops or scroll down to see our extensive list based on all areas of the current curriculum from Nursery to Year 6.
“I really hope we can book you in next year. I sent your
virtual flyer to all our Staff, including senior management, praising you to
the skies”
Teacher, Heathbrook Primary School, SW8.
History Workshops
We can devise a drama workshop on any historical period of your choice. We work in role for one hour with a maximum of 30 children, using minimal costume and artefacts.
We also have a full repertoire of workshops based on themes from the present curriculum. Click on each workshop below for full details.
Early Years and Key Stage 1 History Workshops
 Key Stage 2 History Workshops
Literacy and Book Week Specials
£120 per class + travel
A fun way to explore specific books or poems, to draw out characterisation, inference and deduction, themes and narrative structures. At no extra cost we can tailor-make a workshop on any book of your choice or choose from the list below
Suggestions for
Early Years to Key Stage 1
The Rainbow Fish
Going on a Bear Hunt
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Omnibombulator
The Gingerbread Man |
... And for Key Stage 2
When Jessie Sailed across the Sea
The Ghost of Thomas Kemp
The Golden Compass
Roald Dahl Stories
The Iron Man
The Jabberwocky

" All teachers involved in the 'Rainbow Fish' workshop were extremely impressed and gave very positive feedback (without me even asking!).
Teacher, Miles Coverdale Primary School, Shepherd's Bush.

See also Storytime Specials and Storytelling Shows |

“Very useful for EAL children to develop understanding and language skills. The kinaesthetic approach and working in role really helped ALL the children to understand the issues”.
Teacher, St Jude’s Primary School, Southwark |
Myths, Legends and Traditional Tales Workshop
Tiddalick the Giant Frog -Travel to the Australian outback and find the reason for the disappearing water.
Parvati and the Magic Bowl – take on a role in this magical Hindu myth.
A Shiver of Ghosts - based on a famous tale from China
Also see our Storytelling Shows:
Storytelling ~ What do we need to make a good story?
Create a story - stretch your imagination and entertain your classmates!
Exploring Shakespeare - Getting under the skin of the Bard |
"The children and staff had a great time.
I hope we can invite you back next term to enliven another part of the curriculum."
Year 2 teacher, Streatham Wells Primary
Please note: at least 6 weeks notice is required to devise a tailor-made workshop

PSHE and Citizenship
£120 per class + travel

Pupils use the safe environment of an imaginary drama structure to experience developing good relationships, staying safe, respecting the differences between people and building self esteem. Scenarios can be developed to prepare pupils to play an active role as citizens
Suggested topics:
Staying Safe
Relationships and Friends
Self Esteem
Good Manners
“Thank you for the drama workshops during our Staying Safe Week. The feedback from the teachers has been really great and it is clear your workshops made a major contribution to the success of the week"
Head Teacher, Nelson Primary School, Middlesex

Science Specials
£120 per class + travel
Journey into Space for Year 2 to Year 5
It’s 2035 and space scientists are ready to take the next journey into space. The children have been selected from thousands to train for this exciting space mission. Will they have what it takes to make the next giant leap into space and go further through the solar system than ever before?
Plug Yourself In for Year 3 to Year 6
A workshop exploring Electricity
Give your class the chance to become forensic detectives, to solve the mystery of a suspicious death. Along the way, the young detectives will encounter electrons, atoms, conductors and circuits in this electrifying sixty minute workshop which should really make the sparks fly!
"Very appropriate material, very well presented.
The children were still talking about it the next day!"
Year 1 teacher, Brookside Infants, Romford
"Our Science Coordinator hired them as no one else would touch nursery!
I highly recommend Teach-it-Through-Drama!"
Cranmer Primary, Mitcham

£120 per class + travel
We can create a drama workshp to complement or link with a theme or topic. Or choose from the list below A BANGLADESHI MYSTERY– set in Sylhet, Bangladesh - For KS2
The children are in role as young explorers sent to Sylhet in Bangladesh to help Uncle Kazi discover the truth about the mythical creature Ban-manush
A MEXICAN MYSTERY– set in Tocuaro, Mexico - For KS2
The children are in role as young explorers sent to the village of Tocuaro in Mexico to discover the truth about the sighting of the mythical Chupacabra.
An exciting Drama workshop based on ‘The Lorax’ by Dr Seuss
EXPLORING THE ARTIC – For Year 1 to Year 4
The children are in role as Arctic Explorers on the frozen tundra of
Northern Canada. They meet Yokone, one of the ‘First Nation’ people of
Canada, sometimes called Inuit. Yokone is concerned about the polar bears
and asks for their help. The children will have fun in role while
learning Polar Bears and the life of the people living in the Arctic
The children are in role as explorers sent to The Lost Valley to seek out the truth about some giant dinosaur footprints.
The children need to use their knowledge of deserts to solve the mystery of the Serengeti.
It is June 1924. The children are in role as trainee newspaper reporters preparing to make a trip to Mount Everest where George Mallory and Andrew Irvine are about to make their ascent to the summit of the tallest and most dangerous mountain in the world. Will the two intrepid climbers be first to reach the summit or will they perish as so many others have done?
The children will have fun in role while learning about Mount Everest, the dangers for early 20th Century mountaineers, the quest to be the first and the indomitable spirit of these early pioneers.
The Hunt for the Tungoah Diamond. - For Years 3 and 4
Journey to the Ring of Fire in the South Pacific, to rescue a sacred
diamond from the crater of the secret, volcanic, mountain of
Tungoah, before it erupts again.
Help Uncle Henry complete his special mission by training as a
volcano expert whilst learning about what a volcano is, how they are
formed, different types of lava and how to keep safe.

Drama for Fun £120 per class + travel
Games and exercises designed to develop skills in speaking and listening, to build confidence and social skills, teamwork and self-presentation

Puppetry and Masks £120 per class + travel
The Art of Masks
Create simple masks using everyday materials and scrap
Making Puppets
Find out how to make and use simple puppets and tell a story
Shadow Puppets
For all ages
These can linked to the
Literacy, History or PSHE packages |
