The Blitz & Evacuees
Do you stay or do you go?
It is 1939: World War Two has just been declared and the children are in role as young evacuees preparing to leave the East End of London and travel to Devon. They will encounter an ARP Warden, with selection of genuine and replica artefacts of the time. She will prepare them for their first night in an Anderson Shelter, followed by their first trip to the countryside.
The children will enjoy creating these authentic roles whilst learning about the plight of evacuees, the hardships faced by Londoners during WW2, and the difference between city life and country life in the 1930s and 1940s.

"The children thoroughly enjoyed the drama session. Their smiling faces told the story. They were all engaged and chatted excitedly about it afterwards. You had a thoroughly professional approach and a great rapport with the children throughout. It was a real treat for us all."
Lunsford Primary School, Kent.
A one hour workshop for up to 30 children
in a hall or other large space.


