Britain in Tudor Times
Train to be an apprentice in Tudor times
We have two workshops set in the Tudor period ~
Henry VIII's last marriage to Catherine Parr
The children work with our fully costumed workshop leader and are in role as young apprentices tackling the preparations for a banquet at Hampton Court Palace in the days running up to Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine Parr.
They learn about Henry’s previous marriages, the jobs done in and around the kitchens at Hampton Court Palace, and they then help to design a new tapestry for the walls.
Rich and Poor in Elizabethan Times
The action takes place in an Elizabethan Tavern. The children are in role as young Elizabethan country children looking for work in the City of London. They encounter an Elizabethan tavern owner (see photo left), in full costume, looking for apprentices.

The children have a lot of fun in role, creating an authentic character while learning everyday facts about living, working, schooling, food markets and survival in Elizabethan times, with particular emphasis on the difference between rich and poor in those days.
"“Everyone loved your Tudors workshop today. Thank you so much..”
Shirley Streets, Fairlawn Primary School, SE23
A one hour workshop for up to 30 children
in a hall or other large space.


