Serving Queen Victoria
Experience what life was like for the domestic staff in Queen Victoria's household. |
It is 1857. The children will meet our costumed Victorian character, Mrs Landsbury, who is one of Queen Victoria’s senior housekeepers. She has been given the task of recruiting more new, young, servants to Her Majesty’s Royal Household
In role as the new recruits, with the addition of new cap or bonnet, the children will be put through their paces as domestic staff by Mrs Landsbury and so will gain first-hand knowledge about the customs and etiquette of Queen Victoria’s household.
Supported by a collection of Victorian objects and artefacts, the children will also have a chance to explore how domestic tasks were tackled over one hundred years ago.

"We always enjoy your visits!."
Scargill Infant School, Dagenham
A one hour workshop for up to 30 children
in a hall or other large space.


