The Greek Myths
As you have never seen them before |
Take your class to ancient Greece with a show that will fire the childrens imaginations leaving them breathless with excitement and helpless with laughter.
Choose from these four famous legends
re-told interactively for the 21st century:
Theseus and Minotaur
Pandora's Box
Deadalus and Icarus
The Twelve Tasks of Heracles
See also
Ancient Greek Olympics
Myths and Legends
Ancient Egypt

"It was great that so many children could be involved. Humour was a lovely touch which helped to keep the children focused.”
Julia Flynn, Barrington Primary School, Bexleyheath
Shows last up to one hour and are suitable for several classes
(up to 120 children) in a hall or other large space

An on-line version of this interactive storytelling show is also available to book. See
preview below and contact us to book. Cost £60

